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cd 데이터 포맷.

noon2dy 2006. 5. 29. 12:50



2000-02-26 오전 10:12:00   /  번호: 16885  / 평점:  (-) category: VC++ 일반  /  조회: 274 
 CD ROM 의 data 구조가 어떤지...?? 이인호 / Ehanul  
이인호님께 메시지 보내기  이인호님을 내 주소록에 추가합니다.  이인호님의 블로그가 없습니다  
CD ROM의 data구조가 어떤지..??
일반적인 CD는 그냥 TOC정보만 읽어서 노래를 player 시켜주면 되지만..
CD ROM은 데이타 형식으로 저장 되어 있어서 파일및 디렉토리 정보및 데이타의 구조가 어떤식으로 되어 있는지 몰라서요... 그냥 low 레벨 프로그램으로 한번 해볼라고 하니깐 힘드네요...혹시 아시면 정보좀 주십시오...
이 글에 평점 주기:  
  2000-02-26 오후 5:55:00   /  번호: 16886  / 평점:  (-)  
  Re: [답변]CD ROM 의 data 구조가 어떤지...?? 김유철 / nettalk  
김유철님께 메시지 보내기  김유철님을 내 주소록에 추가합니다.  김유철님의 블로그가 없습니다  
어떻게 데이타가 저장되어 있는지에 관심이 있다면


에 관련 spec 가 있습니다. 즉, ISSO9660 이라는 세계 표준이죠.

[질문 내용]***********************************************
올린이 : 이인호

CD ROM의 data구조가 어떤지..??
일반적인 CD는 그냥 TOC정보만 읽어서 노래를 player 시켜주면 되지만..
CD ROM은 데이타 형식으로 저장 되어 있어서 파일및 디렉토리 정보및 데이타의 구조가 어떤식으로 되어 있는지 몰라서요... 그냥 low 레벨 프로그램으로 한번 해볼라고 하니깐 힘드네요...혹시 아시면 정보좀 주십시오...
이 글에 평점 주기:  



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Standard ECMA-119
Volume and File Structure of CDROM for Information Interchange

2nd edition (December 1987)

This Standard specifies the volume and file structure of compact read only optical disks (CDROM) for the interchange of information between users of information processing systems.

This Standard specifies:

  • the attributes of the volume and the descriptors recorded on it;
  • the relationship among volumes of a volume set;
  • the placement of files;
  • the attributes of the files;
  • record structures intended for use in the input or output data streams of an application program when such data streams are required to be organized as sets of records;
  • three nested levels of medium interchange;
  • two nested levels of implementation;
  • requirements for the processes which are provided within information processing systems, to enable information to be interchanged between different systems, utilizing recorded CDROM as the medium of interchange; for this purpose it specifies the functions to be provided within systems which are intended to originate or receive CDROM which conform to this Standard.

Copy these file(s), free of charge:

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ECMA-119.pdf 327 807    Acrobat (r) PDF file

This Ecma publication is also approved as ISO 9660


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