Allen Denver
Microsoft Windows Developer Support
December 11, 1995
Applies to:
Microsoft Windows??
Summary: Learn how serial communications in Microsoft Win32 is
significantly different from serial communications in 16-bit Microsoft Windows.
This article assumes a familiarity with the fundamentals of multiple threading
and synchronization in Win32. In addition, a basic understanding of the Win32
heap functions is useful to fully comprehend the memory management
methods used by the Multithreaded TTY (MTTTY) sample included with this article.
(35 printed pages)
the MTTTY sample (4918.exe) for this technical article.
Opening a Port
Reading and Writing
Serial Status
Serial Settings
Serial communications in Microsoft?? Win32?? is significantly different from
serial communications in 16-bit Microsoft Windows??. Those familiar with 16-bit
serial communications functions will have to relearn many parts of the system to
program serial communications properly. This article will help to accomplish
this. Those unfamiliar with serial communications will find this article a
helpful foundation for development efforts.
This article assumes you are familiar with the fundamentals of multiple
threading and synchronization in Win32. In addition, a basic familiarity of the
Win32 heap functions is useful to fully comprehend the memory management
methods used by the sample, MTTTY, included with this article.
For more information regarding these functions, consult the Platform SDK
documentation, the Microsoft Win32 SDK Knowledge Base, or the Microsoft
Developer Network Library. Application programming interfaces (APIs) that
control user interface features of windows and dialog boxes, though not
discussed here, are useful to know in order to fully comprehend the sample
provided with this article. Readers unfamiliar with general Windows programming
practices should learn some of the fundamentals of general Windows programming
before taking on serial communications. In other words, get your feet wet before
diving in head first. (36 printed pages)
The focus of this article is on application programming interfaces (APIs) and
methods that are compatible with Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 95;
therefore, APIs supported on both platforms are the only ones discussed. Windows
95 supports the Win32 Telephony API (TAPI) and Windows NT 3.x does not;
therefore, this discussion will not include TAPI. TAPI does deserve mention,
however, in that it very nicely implements modem interfacing and call
controlling. A production application that works with modems and makes telephone
calls should implement these features using the TAPI interface. This will allow
seamless integration with the other TAPI-enabled applications that a user may
have. Furthermore, this article does not discuss some of the configuration
functions in Win32, such as GetCommProperties.
The sample included with this article, MTTTY: Multithreaded TTY (4918.exe),
implements many of the features discussed here. It uses three threads in its
implementation: a user interface thread that does memory management, a writer
thread that controls all writing, and a reader/status thread that reads data and
handles status changes on the port. The sample employs a few different data
heaps for memory management. It also makes extensive use of synchronization
methods to facilitate communication between threads.
Opening a Port
The CreateFile function opens a communications port. There are two
ways to call CreateFile to open the communications port: overlapped and
nonoverlapped. The following is the proper way to open a communications resource
for overlapped operation:
hComm = CreateFile( gszPort,
// error opening port; abort
Removal of the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag from the call to CreateFile
specifies nonoverlapped operation. The next section discusses overlapped and
nonoverlapped operations.
The Platform SDK documentation states that when opening a communications
port, the call to CreateFile has the following requirements:
- fdwShareMode must be zero. Communications ports cannot be shared in
the same manner that files are shared. Applications using TAPI can use the TAPI
functions to facilitate sharing resources between applications. For Win32
applications not using TAPI, handle inheritance or duplication is necessary to
share the communications port. Handle duplication is beyond the scope of this
article; please refer to the Platform SDK documentation for more information.
- fdwCreate must specify the OPEN_EXISTING flag.
- hTemplateFile parameter must be NULL.
One thing to note about port names is that traditionally they have been COM1,
COM2, COM3, or COM4. The Win32 API does not provide any mechanism for
determining what ports exist on a system. Windows NT and Windows 95 keep track
of installed ports differently from one another, so any one method would not be
portable across all Win32 platforms. Some systems even have more ports than the
traditional maximum of four. Hardware vendors and serial-device-driver writers
are free to name the ports anything they like. For this reason, it is best that
users have the ability to specify the port name they want to use. If a port does
not exist, an error will occur (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) after attempting to open
the port, and the user should be notified that the port isn't available.
Reading and Writing
Reading from and writing to communications ports in Win32 is very similar to
file input/output (I/O) in Win32. In fact, the functions that accomplish file
I/O are the same functions used for serial I/O. I/O in Win32 can be done either
of two ways: overlapped or nonoverlapped. The Platform SDK documentation uses
the terms asynchronous and synchronous to connote these types of
I/O operations. This article, however, uses the terms overlapped and
Nonoverlapped I/O is familiar to most developers because this is the
traditional form of I/O, where an operation is requested and is assumed to be
complete when the function returns. In the case of overlapped I/O, the
system may return to the caller immediately even when an operation is not
finished and will signal the caller when the operation completes. The program
may use the time between the I/O request and its completion to perform some
"background" work.
Reading and writing in Win32 is significantly different from reading and
writing serial communications ports in 16-bit Windows. 16-bit Windows only has
the ReadComm and WriteComm functions. Win32 reading and writing
can involve many more functions and choices. These issues are discussed
Nonoverlapped I/O
Nonoverlapped I/O is very straightforward, though it has limitations. An
operation takes place while the calling thread is blocked. once the operation is
complete, the function returns and the thread can continue its work. This type
of I/O is useful for multithreaded applications because while one thread is
blocked on an I/O operation, other threads can still perform work. It is the
responsibility of the application to serialize access to the port correctly. If
one thread is blocked waiting for its I/O operation to complete, all other
threads that subsequently call a communications API will be blocked until the
original operation completes. For instance, if one thread were waiting for a
ReadFile function to return, any other thread that issued a
WriteFile function would be blocked.
One of the many factors to consider when choosing between nonoverlapped and
overlapped operations is portability. Overlapped operation is not a good choice
because most operating systems do not support it. Most operating systems support
some form of multithreading, however, so multithreaded nonoverlapped I/O may be
the best choice for portability reasons.
Overlapped I/O
Overlapped I/O is not as straightforward as nonoverlapped I/O, but allows
more flexibility and efficiency. A port open for overlapped operations allows
multiple threads to do I/O operations at the same time and perform other
work while the operations are pending. Furthermore, the behavior of overlapped
operations allows a single thread to issue many different requests and do work
in the background while the operations are pending.
In both single-threaded and multithreaded applications, some synchronization
must take place between issuing requests and processing the results. one thread
will have to be blocked until the result of an operation is available. The
advantage is that overlapped I/O allows a thread to do some work between the
time of the request and its completion. If no work can be done, then the
only case for overlapped I/O is that it allows for better user
Overlapped I/O is the type of operation that the MTTTY sample uses. It
creates a thread that is responsible for reading the port's data and reading the
port's status. It also performs periodic background work. The program creates
another thread exclusively for writing data out the port.
Note Applications
sometimes abuse multithreading systems by creating too many threads. Although
using multiple threads can resolve many difficult problems, creating excessive
threads is not the most efficient use of them in an application. Threads are
less a strain on the system than processes but still require system resources
such as CPU time and memory. An application that creates excessive threads may
adversely affect the performance of the entire system. A better use of threads
is to create a different request queue for each type of job and to have a worker
thread issue an I/O request for each entry in the request queue. This method is
used by the MTTTY sample provided with this article.
An overlapped I/O operation has two parts: the creation of the operation and
the detection of its completion. Creating the operation entails setting up an
OVERLAPPED structure, creating a manual-reset event for synchronization,
and calling the appropriate function (ReadFile or WriteFile). The
I/O operation may or may not be completed immediately. It is an error for an
application to assume that a request for an overlapped operation always yields
an overlapped operation. If an operation is completed immediately, an
application needs to be ready to continue processing normally. The second part
of an overlapped operation is to detect its completion. Detecting completion of
the operation involves waiting for the event handle, checking the overlapped
result, and then handling the data. The reason that there is more work involved
with an overlapped operation is that there are more points of failure. If a
nonoverlapped operation fails, the function just returns an error-return result.
If an overlapped operation fails, it can fail in the creation of the operation
or while the operation is pending. You may also have a time-out of the operation
or a time-out waiting for the signal that the operation is complete.
The ReadFile function issues a read operation. ReadFileEx also
issues a read operation, but since it is not available on Windows 95, it is not
discussed in this article. Here is a code snippet that details how to issue a
read request. Notice that the function calls a function to process the data if
the ReadFile returns TRUE. This is the same function called if the
operation becomes overlapped. Note the fWaitingOnRead flag that is defined by
the code; it indicates whether or not a read operation is overlapped. It is used
to prevent the creation of a new read operation if one is outstanding.
DWORD dwRead;
BOOL fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
OVERLAPPED osReader = {0};
// Create the overlapped event. Must be closed before exiting
// to avoid a handle leak.
osReader.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osReader.hEvent == NULL)
// Error creating overlapped event; abort.
if (!fWaitingOnRead) {
// Issue read operation.
if (!ReadFile(hComm, lpBuf, READ_BUF_SIZE, &dwRead, &osReader)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) // read not delayed?
// Error in communications; report it.
fWaitingOnRead = TRUE;
else {
// read completed immediately
HandleASuccessfulRead(lpBuf, dwRead);
The second part of the overlapped operation is the detection of its
completion. The event handle in the OVERLAPPED structure is passed to the
WaitForSingleObject function, which will wait until the object is
signaled. once the event is signaled, the operation is complete. This does not
mean that it was completed successfully, just that it was completed. The
GetOverlappedResult function reports the result of the operation. If an
error occurred, GetOverlappedResult returns FALSE and GetLastError
returns the error code. If the operation was completed successfully,
GetOverlappedResult will return TRUE.
Note GetOverlappedResult can detect
completion of the operation, as well as return the operation's failure status.
GetOverlappedResult returns FALSE and GetLastError returns
ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE when the operation is not completed. In addition,
GetOverlappedResult can be made to block until the operation completes.
This effectively turns the overlapped operation into a nonoverlapped operation
and is accomplished by passing TRUE as the bWait parameter.
Here is a code snippet that shows one way to detect the completion of an
overlapped read operation. Note that the code calls the same function to process
the data that was called when the operation completed immediately. Also note the
use of the fWaitingOnRead flag. Here it controls entry into the detection code,
since it should be called only when an operation is outstanding.
#define READ_TIMEOUT 500 // milliseconds
DWORD dwRes;
if (fWaitingOnRead) {
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(osReader.hEvent, READ_TIMEOUT);
// Read completed.
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osReader, &dwRead, FALSE))
// Error in communications; report it.
// Read completed successfully.
HandleASuccessfulRead(lpBuf, dwRead);
// Reset flag so that another opertion can be issued.
fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
// Operation isn't complete yet. fWaitingOnRead flag isn't
// changed since I'll loop back around, and I don't want
// to issue another read until the first one finishes.
// This is a good time to do some background work.
// Error in the WaitForSingleObject; abort.
// This indicates a problem with the OVERLAPPED structure's
// event handle.
Transmitting data out the communications port is very similar to reading in
that it uses a lot of the same APIs. The code snippet below demonstrates how to
issue and wait for a write operation to be completed.
BOOL WriteABuffer(char * lpBuf, DWORD dwToWrite)
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0};
DWORD dwWritten;
DWORD dwRes;
BOOL fRes;
// Create this write operation's OVERLAPPED structure's hEvent.
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL)
// error creating overlapped event handle
return FALSE;
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFile(hComm, lpBuf, dwToWrite, &dwWritten, &osWrite)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// WriteFile failed, but isn't delayed. Report error and abort.
fRes = FALSE;
// Write is pending.
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(osWrite.hEvent, INFINITE);
// OVERLAPPED structure's event has been signaled.
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osWrite, &dwWritten, FALSE))
fRes = FALSE;
// Write operation completed successfully.
fRes = TRUE;
// An error has occurred in WaitForSingleObject.
// This usually indicates a problem with the
// OVERLAPPED structure's event handle.
fRes = FALSE;
// WriteFile completed immediately.
fRes = TRUE;
return fRes;
Notice that the code above uses the WaitForSingleObject function with
a time-out value of INFINITE. This causes the WaitForSingleObject
function to wait forever until the operation is completed; this may make the
thread or program appear to be "hung" when, in fact, the write operation is
simply taking a long time to complete or flow control has blocked the
transmission. Status checking, discussed later, can detect this condition, but
doesn't cause the WaitForSingleObject to return. Three things can
alleviate this condition:
Because the WaitForSingleObject function in the above code snippet
uses an INFINITE time-out, it is equivalent to using GetOverlappedResult
with TRUE for the fWait parameter. Here is equivalent code in a much
simplified form:
BOOL WriteABuffer(char * lpBuf, DWORD dwToWrite)
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0};
DWORD dwWritten;
BOOL fRes;
// Create this writes OVERLAPPED structure hEvent.
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL)
// Error creating overlapped event handle.
return FALSE;
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFile(hComm, lpBuf, dwToWrite, &dwWritten, &osWrite)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// WriteFile failed, but it isn't delayed. Report error and abort.
fRes = FALSE;
else {
// Write is pending.
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osWrite, &dwWritten, TRUE))
fRes = FALSE;
// Write operation completed successfully.
fRes = TRUE;
// WriteFile completed immediately.
fRes = TRUE;
return fRes;
GetOverlappedResult is not always the best way to wait for an
overlapped operation to be completed. For example, if an application needs to
wait on another event handle, the first code snippet serves as a better model
than the second. The call to WaitForSingleObject is easy to change to
WaitForMultipleObjects to include the additional handles on which to
wait. This is what the MTTTY sample application does.
A common mistake in overlapped I/O is to reuse an OVERLAPPED structure
before the previous overlapped operation is completed. If a new overlapped
operation is issued before a previous operation is completed, a new
OVERLAPPED structure must be allocated for it. A new manual-reset event
for the hEvent member of the OVERLAPPED structure must also be
created. once an overlapped operation is complete, the OVERLAPPED
structure and its event are free for reuse.
The only member of the OVERLAPPED structure that needs modifying for
serial communications is the hEvent member. The other members of the
OVERLAPPED structure should be initialized to zero and left alone.
Modifying the other members of the OVERLAPPED structure is not necessary
for serial communications devices. The documentation for ReadFile and
WriteFile state that the Offset and OffsetHigh members of
the OVERLAPPED structure must be updated by the application, or else
results are unpredictable. This guideline should be applied to OVERLAPPED
structures used for other types of resources, such as files.
Serial Status
There are two methods to retrieve the status of a communications port. The
first is to set an event mask that causes notification of the application when
the desired events occur. The SetCommMask function sets this event mask,
and the WaitCommEvent function waits for the desired events to occur.
These functions are similar to the 16-bit functions SetCommEventMask and
EnableCommNotification, except that the Win32 functions do not post
WM_COMMNOTIFY messages. In fact, the WM_COMMNOTIFY message is not even part of
the Win32 API. The second method for retrieving the status of the communications
port is to periodically call a few different status functions. Polling is, of
course, neither efficient nor recommended.
Communications Events
Communications events can occur at any time in the course of using a
communications port. The two steps involved in receiving notification of
communications events are as follows:
Here is an example of the SetCommMask function:
DWORD dwStoredFlags;
dwStoredFlags = EV_BREAK | EV_CTS | EV_DSR | EV_ERR | EV_RING |\
if (!SetCommMask(hComm, dwStoredFlags))
// error setting communications mask
A description of each type of event is in Table 1.
Table 1. Communications Event Flags
Event Flag |
Description |
A break was detected on input. |
The CTS (clear-to-send) signal changed state. To get
the actual state of the CTS line, GetCommModemStatus should be
called. |
The DSR (data-set-ready) signal changed state. To get
the actual state of the DSR line, GetCommModemStatus should be
called. |
A line-status error occurred. Line-status errors are
CE_FRAME, CE_OVERRUN, and CE_RXPARITY. To find the cause of the error,
ClearCommError should be called. |
A ring indicator was detected. |
The RLSD (receive-line-signal-detect) signal changed
state. To get the actual state of the RLSD line, GetCommModemStatus
should be called. Note that this is commonly referred to as the CD (carrier
detect) line. |
A new character was received and placed in the input
buffer. See the "Caveat" section below for a discussion of this flag. |
The event character was received and placed in the
input buffer. The event character is specified in the EvtChar member of
the DCB structure discussed later. The "Caveat" section below also
applies to this flag. |
The last character in the output buffer was sent to
the serial port device. If a hardware buffer is used, this flag only indicates
that all data has been sent to the hardware. There is no way to detect when the
hardware buffer is empty without talking directly to the hardware with a device
driver. |
After specifying the event mask, the WaitCommEvent function detects
the occurrence of the events. If the port is open for nonoverlapped operation,
then the WaitCommEvent function does not contain an OVERLAPPED
structure. The function blocks the calling thread until the occurrence of one of
the events. If an event never occurs, the thread may block indefinitely.
Here is a code snippet that shows how to wait for an EV_RING event when the
port is open for nonoverlapped operation:
DWORD dwCommEvent;
if (!SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RING))
// Error setting communications mask
return FALSE;
if (!WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwCommEvent, NULL))
// An error occurred waiting for the event.
return FALSE;
// Event has occurred.
return TRUE;
Note The Microsoft
Win32 SDK Knowledge Base documents a problem with Windows 95 and the EV_RING
flag. The above code never returns in Windows 95 because the EV_RING event is
not detected by the system; Windows NT properly reports the EV_RING event.
Please see the Win32 SDK Knowledge Base for more information on this
As noted, the code above can be blocked forever if an event never occurs. A
better solution would be to open the port for overlapped operation and wait for
a status event in the following manner:
#define STATUS_CHECK_TIMEOUT 500 // Milliseconds
DWORD dwRes;
DWORD dwCommEvent;
DWORD dwStoredFlags;
BOOL fWaitingOnStat = FALSE;
OVERLAPPED osStatus = {0};
dwStoredFlags = EV_BREAK | EV_CTS | EV_DSR | EV_ERR | EV_RING |\
if (!SetCommMask(comHandle, dwStoredFlags))
// error setting communications mask; abort
return 0;
osStatus.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osStatus.hEvent == NULL)
// error creating event; abort
return 0;
for ( ; ; ) {
// Issue a status event check if one hasn't been issued already.
if (!fWaitingOnStat) {
if (!WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwCommEvent, &osStatus)) {
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
bWaitingOnStatusHandle = TRUE;
// error in WaitCommEvent; abort
// WaitCommEvent returned immediately.
// Deal with status event as appropriate.
// Check on overlapped operation.
if (fWaitingOnStat) {
// Wait a little while for an event to occur.
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(osStatus.hEvent, STATUS_CHECK_TIMEOUT);
// Event occurred.
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osStatus, &dwOvRes, FALSE))
// An error occurred in the overlapped operation;
// call GetLastError to find out what it was
// and abort if it is fatal.
// Status event is stored in the event flag
// specified in the original WaitCommEvent call.
// Deal with the status event as appropriate.
// Set fWaitingOnStat flag to indicate that a new
// WaitCommEvent is to be issued.
fWaitingOnStat = FALSE;
// Operation isn't complete yet. fWaitingOnStatusHandle flag
// isn't changed since I'll loop back around and I don't want
// to issue another WaitCommEvent until the first one finishes.
// This is a good time to do some background work.
// Error in the WaitForSingleObject; abort
// This indicates a problem with the OVERLAPPED structure's
// event handle.
return 0;
The code above very closely resembles the code for overlapped reading. In
fact, the MTTTY sample implements its reading and status checking in the same
thread using WaitForMultipleObjects to wait for either the read event or
the status event to become signaled.
There are two interesting side effects of SetCommMask and
WaitCommEvent. First, if the communications port is open for
nonoverlapped operation, WaitCommEvent will be blocked until an event
occurs. If another thread calls SetCommMask to set a new event mask, that
thread will be blocked on the call to SetCommMask. The reason is that the
original call to WaitCommEvent in the first thread is still executing.
The call to SetCommMask blocks the thread until the WaitCommEvent
function returns in the first thread. This side effect is universal for ports
open for nonoverlapped I/O. If a thread is blocked on any communications
function and another thread calls a communications function, the second thread
is blocked until the communications function returns in the first thread. The
second interesting note about these functions is their use on a port open for
overlapped operation. If SetCommMask sets a new event mask, any pending
WaitCommEvent will complete successfully, and the event mask produced by
the operation is NULL.
Using the EV_RXCHAR flag will notify the thread that a byte arrived at the
port. This event, used in combination with the ReadFile function, enables
a program to read data only after it is in the receive buffer, as opposed
to issuing a read that waits for the data to arrive. This is particularly
useful when a port is open for nonoverlapped operation because the program does
not need to poll for incoming data; the program is notified of the incoming data
by the occurrence of the EV_RXCHAR event. Initial attempts to code this solution
often produce the following pseudocode, including one oversight covered later in
this section:
DWORD dwCommEvent;
DWORD dwRead;
char chRead;
if (!SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR))
// Error setting communications event mask.
for ( ; ; ) {
if (WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwCommEvent, NULL)) {
if (ReadFile(hComm, &chRead, 1, &dwRead, NULL))
// A byte has been read; process it.
// An error occurred in the ReadFile call.
// Error in WaitCommEvent.
The above code waits for an EV_RXCHAR event to occur. When this happens, the
code calls ReadFile to read the one byte received. The loop starts again,
and the code waits for another EV_RXCHAR event. This code works fine when one or
two bytes arrive in quick succession. The byte reception causes the EV_RXCHAR
event to occur. The code reads the byte. If no other byte arrives before the
code calls WaitCommEvent again, then all is fine; the next byte to arrive
will cause the WaitCommEvent function to indicate the occurrence of the
EV_RXCHAR event. If another single byte arrives before the code has a chance to
reach the WaitCommEvent function, then all is fine, too. The first byte
is read as before; the arrival of the second byte causes the EV_RXCHAR flag to
be set internally. When the code returns to the WaitCommEvent function,
it indicates the occurrence of the EV_RXCHAR event and the second byte is read
from the port in the ReadFile call.
The problem with the above code occurs when three or more bytes arrive in
quick succession. The first byte causes the EV_RXCHAR event to occur. The second
byte causes the EV_RXCHAR flag to be set internally. The next time the code
calls WaitCommEvent, it indicates the EV_RXCHAR event. Now, a third byte
arrives at the communications port. This third byte causes the system to attempt
to set the EV_RXCHAR flag internally. Because this has already occurred when the
second byte arrived, the arrival of the third byte goes unnoticed. The code
eventually will read the first byte without a problem. After this, the code will
call WaitCommEvent, and it indicates the occurrence of the EV_RXCHAR
event (from the arrival of the second byte). The second byte is read, and the
code returns to the WaitCommEvent function. The third byte waits in the
system's internal receive buffer. The code and the system are now out of sync.
When a fourth byte finally arrives, the EV_RXCHAR event occurs, and the code
reads a single byte. It reads the third byte. This will continue
The solution to this problem seems as easy as increasing the number of bytes
requested in the read operation. Instead of requesting a single byte, the code
could request two, ten, or some other number of bytes. The problem with this
idea is that it still fails when two or more extra bytes above the size of the
read request arrive at the port in quick succession. So, if two bytes are read,
then four bytes arriving in quick succession would cause the problem. Ten bytes
requested would still fail if twelve bytes arrived in quick succession.
The real solution to this problem is to read from the port until no bytes are
remaining. The following pseudocode solves the problem by reading in a loop
until zero characters are read. Another possible method would be to call
ClearCommError to determine the number of bytes in the buffer and read
them all in one read operation. This method requires more sophisticated buffer
management, but it reduces the number of reads when a lot of data arrives at
DWORD dwCommEvent;
DWORD dwRead;
char chRead;
if (!SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR))
// Error setting communications event mask
for ( ; ; ) {
if (WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwCommEvent, NULL)) {
do {
if (ReadFile(hComm, &chRead, 1, &dwRead, NULL))
// A byte has been read; process it.
// An error occurred in the ReadFile call.
} while (dwRead);
// Error in WaitCommEvent
The above code does not work correctly without setting the proper time-outs.
Communications time-outs, discussed later, affect the behavior of the
ReadFile operation in order to cause it to return without waiting for
bytes to arrive. Discussion of this topic occurs later in the "Communications
Time-outs" section of this article.
The above caveat regarding EV_RXCHAR also applies to EV_RXFLAG. If flag
characters arrive in quick succession, EV_RXFLAG events may not occur for all of
them. once again, the best solution is to read all bytes until none remain.
The above caveat also applies to other events not related to character
reception. If other events occur in quick succession some of the notifications
will be lost. For instance, if the CTS line voltage starts high, then goes low,
high, and low again, an EV_CTS event occurs. There is no guarantee of how many
EV_CTS events will actually be detected with WaitCommEvent if the changes
in the CTS line happen quickly. For this reason, WaitCommEvent cannot be
used to keep track of the state of the line. Line status is covered in the
"Modem Status" section later in this article.
Error Handling and Communications Status
One of the communications event flags specified in the call to
SetCommMask is possibly EV_ERR. The occurrence of the EV_ERR event
indicates that an error condition exists in the communications port. Other
errors can occur in the port that do not cause the EV_ERR event to occur. In
either case, errors associated with the communications port cause all I/O
operations to be suspended until removal of the error condition.
ClearCommError is the function to call to detect errors and clear the
error condition.
ClearCommError also provides communications status indicating why
transmission has stopped; it also indicates the number of bytes waiting in the
transmit and receive buffers. The reason why transmission may stop is because of
errors or to flow control. The discussion of flow control occurs later in this
Here is some code that demonstrates how to call ClearCommError:
COMSTAT comStat;
DWORD dwErrors;
// Get and clear current errors on the port.
if (!ClearCommError(hComm, &dwErrors, &comStat))
// Report error in ClearCommError.
// Get error flags.
fDNS = dwErrors & CE_DNS;
fIOE = dwErrors & CE_IOE;
fOOP = dwErrors & CE_OOP;
fPTO = dwErrors & CE_PTO;
fMODE = dwErrors & CE_MODE;
fBREAK = dwErrors & CE_BREAK;
fFRAME = dwErrors & CE_FRAME;
fRXOVER = dwErrors & CE_RXOVER;
fTXFULL = dwErrors & CE_TXFULL;
// COMSTAT structure contains information regarding
// communications status.
if (comStat.fCtsHold)
// Tx waiting for CTS signal
if (comStat.fDsrHold)
// Tx waiting for DSR signal
if (comStat.fRlsdHold)
// Tx waiting for RLSD signal
if (comStat.fXoffHold)
// Tx waiting, XOFF char rec'd
if (comStat.fXoffSent)
// Tx waiting, XOFF char sent
if (comStat.fEof)
// EOF character received
if (comStat.fTxim)
// Character waiting for Tx; char queued with TransmitCommChar
if (comStat.cbInQue)
// comStat.cbInQue bytes have been received, but not read
if (comStat.cbOutQue)
// comStat.cbOutQue bytes are awaiting transfer
Modem Status (a.k.a. Line Status)
The call to SetCommMask may include the flags EV_CTS, EV_DSR, EV_RING,
and EV_RLSD. These flags indicate changes in the voltage on the lines of the
serial port. There is no indication of the actual status of these lines, just
that a change occurred. The GetCommModemStatus function retrieves the
actual state of these status lines by returning a bit mask indicating a 0 for
low or no voltage and 1 for high voltage for each of the lines.
Please note that the term RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect) is
commonly referred to as the CD (Carrier Detect) line.
Note The EV_RING flag
does not work in Windows 95 as mentioned earlier. The GetCommModemStatus
function, however, does detect the state of the RING line.
Changes in these lines may also cause a flow-control event. The
ClearCommError function reports whether transmission is suspended because
of flow control. If necessary, a thread may call ClearCommError to detect
whether the event is the cause of a flow-control action. Flow control is covered
in the "Flow Control" section later in this article.
Here is some code that demonstrates how to call
DWORD dwModemStatus;
if (!GetCommModemStatus(hComm, &dwModemStatus))
// Error in GetCommModemStatus;
fCTS = MS_CTS_ON & dwModemStatus;
fDSR = MS_DSR_ON & dwModemStatus;
fRING = MS_RING_ON & dwModemStatus;
fRLSD = MS_RLSD_ON & dwModemStatus;
// Do something with the flags.
Extended Functions
The driver will automatically change the state of control lines as necessary.
Generally speaking, changing status lines is under the control of a driver. If a
device uses communications port control lines in a manner different from RS-232
standards, the standard serial communications driver will not work to control
the device. If the standard serial communications driver will not control the
device, a custom device driver is necessary.
There are occasions when standard control lines are under the control
of the application instead of the serial communications driver. For instance, an
application may wish to implement its own flow control. The application would be
responsible for changing the status of the RTS and DTR lines.
EscapeCommFunction directs a communications driver to perform such
extended operations. EscapeCommFunction can make the driver perform some
other function, such as setting or clearing a BREAK condition. For more
information on this function, consult the Platform SDK documentation, the
Microsoft Win32 SDK Knowledge Base, or the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)
Serial Settings
DCB Settings
The most crucial aspect of programming serial communications applications is
the settings in the Device-Control Block (DCB) structure. The most common errors
in serial communications programming occur in initializing the DCB structure
improperly. When the serial communications functions do not behave as expected,
a close examination of the DCB structure usually reveals the problem.
There are three ways to initialize a DCB structure. The first method is to
use the function GetCommState. This function returns the current DCB in
use for the communications port. The following code shows how to use the
GetCommState function:
DCB dcb = {0};
if (!GetCommState(hComm, &dcb))
// Error getting current DCB settings
// DCB is ready for use.
The second method to initialize a DCB is to use a function called
BuildCommDCB. This function fills in the baud, parity type, number of
stop bits, and number of data bits members of the DCB. The function also sets
the flow-control members to default values. Consult the documentation of the
BuildCommDCB function for details on which default values it uses for
flow-control members. Other members of the DCB are unaffected by this function.
It is the program's duty to make sure the other members of the DCB do not cause
errors. The simplest thing to do in this regard is to initialize the DCB
structure with zeros and then set the size member to the size, in bytes, of the
structure. If the zero initialization of the DCB structure does not occur, then
there may be nonzero values in the reserved members; this produces an error when
trying to use the DCB later. The following function shows how to properly use
this method:
DCB dcb;
FillMemory(&dcb, sizeof(dcb), 0);
dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(dcb);
if (!BuildCommDCB("9600,n,8,1", &dcb)) {
// Couldn't build the DCB. Usually a problem
// with the communications specification string.
return FALSE;
// DCB is ready for use.
The third method to initialize a DCB structure is to do it manually. The
program allocates the DCB structure and sets each member with any value desired.
This method does not deal well with changes to the DCB in future implementations
of Win32 and is not recommended.
An application usually needs to set some of the DCB members differently than
the defaults or may need to modify settings in the middle of execution. once
proper initialization of the DCB occurs, modification of individual members is
possible. The changes to the DCB structure do not have any effect on the
behavior of the port until execution of the SetCommState function. Here
is a section of code that retrieves the current DCB, changes the baud, and then
attempts to set the configuration:
DCB dcb;
FillMemory(&dcb, sizeof(dcb), 0);
if (!GetCommState(hComm, &dcb)) // get current DCB
// Error in GetCommState
return FALSE;
// Update DCB rate.
dcb.BaudRate = CBR_9600 ;
// Set new state.
if (!SetCommState(hComm, &dcb))
// Error in SetCommState. Possibly a problem with the communications
// port handle or a problem with the DCB structure itself.
Here is an explanation of each of the members of the DCB and how they affect
other parts of the serial communications functions.
Note Most of this
information is from the Platform SDK documentation. Because documentation is the
official word in what the members actually are and what they mean, this table
may not be completely accurate if changes occur in the operating
Table 2. The DCB Structure Members
Member |
Description |
DCBlength |
Size, in bytes, of the structure. Should be set before
calling SetCommState to update the settings. |
BaudRate |
Specifies the baud at which the communications device
operates. This member can be an actual baud value, or a baud index. |
fBinary |
Specifies whether binary mode is enabled. The Win32
API does not support nonbinary mode transfers, so this member should be TRUE.
Trying to use FALSE will not work. |
fParity |
Specifies whether parity checking is enabled. If this
member is TRUE, parity checking is performed and parity errors are reported.
This should not be confused with the Parity member, which controls the
type of parity used in communications. |
fOutxCtsFlow |
Specifies whether the CTS (clear-to-send) signal is
monitored for output flow control. If this member is TRUE and CTS is low, output
is suspended until CTS is high again. The CTS signal is under control of the DCE
(usually a modem), the DTE (usually the PC) simply monitors the status of this
signal, the DTE does not change it. |
fOutxDsrFlow |
Specifies whether the DSR (data-set-ready) signal is
monitored for output flow control. If this member is TRUE and DSR is low, output
is suspended until DSR is high again. once again, this signal is under the
control of the DCE; the DTE only monitors this signal. |
fDtrControl |
Specifies the DTR (data-terminal-ready) input flow
control. This member can be one of the following values: |
Value |
Meaning |
Lowers the DTR line when the device is opened. The
application can adjust the state of the line with
EscapeCommFunction. |
Raises the DTR line when the device is opened. The
application can adjust the state of the line with
EscapeCommFunction. |
Enables DTR flow-control handshaking. If this value
is used, it is an error for the application to adjust the line with
EscapeCommFunction. |
fDsrSensitivity |
Specifies whether the communications driver is
sensitive to the state of the DSR signal. If this member is TRUE, the driver
ignores any bytes received, unless the DSR modem input line is high. |
fTXContinueOnXoff |
Specifies whether transmission stops when the input
buffer is full and the driver has transmitted the XOFF character. If this member
is TRUE, transmission continues after the XOFF character has been sent. If this
member is FALSE, transmission does not continue until the input buffer is within
XonLim bytes of being empty and the driver has transmitted the XON
character. |
fOutX |
Specifies whether XON/XOFF flow control is used during
transmission. If this member is TRUE, transmission stops when the XOFF character
is received and starts again when the XON character is received. |
fInX |
Specifies whether XON/XOFF flow control is used during
reception. If this member is TRUE, the XOFF character is sent when the input
buffer comes within XoffLim bytes of being full, and the XON character is sent
when the input buffer comes within XonLim bytes of being empty. |
fErrorChar |
Specifies whether bytes received with parity errors
are replaced with the character specified by the ErrorChar member. If
this member is TRUE and the fParity member is TRUE, replacement occurs.
fNull |
Specifies whether null bytes are discarded. If this
member is TRUE, null bytes are discarded when received. |
fRtsControl |
Specifies the RTS (request-to-send) input flow
control. If this value is zero, the default is RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE. This
member can be one of the following values: |
Value |
Meaning |
Lowers the RTS line when the device is opened. The
application can use EscapeCommFunction to change the state of the
line. |
Raises the RTS line when the device is opened. The
application can use EscapeCommFunction to change the state of the
line. |
Enables RTS flow-control handshaking. The driver
raises the RTS line, enabling the DCE to send, when the input buffer has enough
room to receive data. The driver lowers the RTS line, preventing the DCE to
send, when the input buffer does not have enough room to receive data. If this
value is used, it is an error for the application to adjust the line with
EscapeCommFunction. |
Specifies that the RTS line will be high if bytes are
available for transmission. After all buffered bytes have been sent, the RTS
line will be low. If this value is set, it would be an error for an application
to adjust the line with EscapeCommFunction. This value is ignored in
Windows 95; it causes the driver to act as if RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE were
specified. |
fAbortOnError |
Specifies whether read and write operations are
terminated if an error occurs. If this member is TRUE, the driver terminates all
read and write operations with an error status (ERROR_IO_ABORTED) if an error
occurs. The driver will not accept any further communications operations until
the application has acknowledged the error by calling the ClearCommError
function. |
fDummy2 |
Reserved; do not use. |
wReserved |
Not used; must be set to zero. |
XonLim |
Specifies the minimum number of bytes allowed in the
input buffer before the XON character is sent. |
XoffLim |
Specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed in the
input buffer before the XOFF character is sent. The maximum number of bytes
allowed is calculated by subtracting this value from the size, in bytes, of the
input buffer. |
Parity |
Specifies the parity scheme to be used. This member
can be one of the following values: |
Value |
Meaning |
Even |
Mark |
No parity |
Odd |
StopBits |
Specifies the number of stop bits to be used. This
member can be one of the following values: |
Value |
Meaning |
1 stop bit |
1.5 stop bits |
2 stop bits |
XonChar |
Specifies the value of the XON character for both
transmission and reception. |
XoffChar |
Specifies the value of the XOFF character for both
transmission and reception. |
ErrorChar |
Specifies the value of the character used to replace
bytes received with a parity error. |
EofChar |
Specifies the value of the character used to signal
the end of data. |
EvtChar |
Specifies the value of the character used to cause the
EV_RXFLAG event. This setting does not actually cause anything to happen without
the use of EV_RXFLAG in the SetCommMask function and the use of
WaitCommEvent. |
wReserved1 |
Reserved; do not use. |
Flow Control
Flow control in serial communications provides a mechanism for suspending
communications while one of the devices is busy or for some reason cannot do any
communication. There are traditionally two types of flow control: hardware and
A common problem with serial communications is write operations that actually
do not write the data to the device. Often, the problem lies in flow control
being used when the program did not specify it. A close examination of the DCB
structure reveals that one or more of the following members may be TRUE:
fOutxCtsFlow, fOutxDsrFlow, or fOutX. Another mechanism to reveal that flow
control is enabled is to call ClearCommError and examine the
COMSTAT structure. It will reveal when transmission is suspended because
of flow control.
Before discussing the types of flow control, a good understanding of some
terms is in order. Serial communications takes place between two devices.
Traditionally, there is a PC and a modem or printer. The PC is labeled the Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE). The DTE is sometimes called the host. The
modem, printer, or other peripheral equipment is identified as the Data
Communications Equipment (DCE). The DCE is sometimes referred to as the
Hardware flow control
Hardware flow control uses voltage signals on control lines of the serial
cable to control whether sending or receiving is enabled. The DTE and the DCE
must agree on the types of flow control used for a communications session.
Setting the DCB structure to enable flow control just configures the DTE. The
DCE also needs configuration to make certain the DTE and DCE use the same type
of flow control. There is no mechanism provided by Win32 to set the flow control
of the DCE. DIP switches on the device, or commands sent to it typically
establish its configuration. The following table describes the control lines,
the direction of the flow control, and the line's effect on the DTE and DCE.
Table 3. Hardware Flow-control Lines
Line and Direction |
Effect on DTE/DCE |
CTS (Clear To Send) Output flow control |
DCE sets the line high to indicate that it can
receive data. DCE sets the line low to indicate that it cannot receive data.
If the fOutxCtsFlow member of the DCB is TRUE, then the DTE will not
send data if this line is low. It will resume sending if the line is high.
If the fOutxCtsFlow member of the DCB is FALSE, then the state of the
line does not affect transmission. |
DSR (Data Set Ready) Output flow control |
DCE sets the line high to indicate that it can
receive data. DCE sets the line low to indicate that it cannot receive data.
If the fOutxDsrFlow member of the DCB is TRUE, then the DTE will not
send data if this line is low. It will resume sending if the line is high.
If the fOutxDsrFlow member of the DCB is FALSE, then the state of the
line does not affect transmission. |
DSR (Data Set Ready) Input flow control |
If the DSR line is low, then data that arrives at the
port is ignored. If the DSR line is high, data that arrives at the port is
This behavior occurs if the fDsrSensitivity member of the DCB is set
to TRUE. If it is FALSE, then the state of the line does not affect
reception. |
RTS (Ready To Send) Input flow control |
The RTS line is controlled by the DTE.
If the fRtsControl member of the DCB is set to RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE,
the following flow control is used: If the input buffer has enough room to
receive data (at least half the buffer is empty), the driver sets the RTS line
high. If the input buffer has little room for incoming data (less than a quarter
of the buffer is empty), the driver sets the RTS line low.
If the fRtsControl member of the DCB is set to RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE, the
driver sets the RTS line high when data is available for sending. The driver
sets the line low when no data is available for sending. Windows 95 ignores this
value and treats it the same as RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE.
If the fRtsControl member of the DCB is set to RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE or
RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE, the application is free to change the state of the line as
it needs. Note that in this case, the state of the line does not affect
The DCE will suspend transmission when the line goes low. The DCE will resume
transmission when the line goes high. |
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) Input flow
control |
The DTR line is controlled by the DTE.
If the fDtrControl member of the DCB is set to DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE,
the following flow control is used: If the input buffer has enough room to
receive data (at least half the buffer is empty), the driver sets the DTR line
high. If the input buffer has little room for incoming data (less than a quarter
of the buffer is empty), the driver sets the DTR line low.
If the fDtrControl member of the DCB is set to DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE or
DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE, the application is free to change the state of the line as
it needs. In this case, the state of the line does not affect reception.
The DCE will suspend transmission when the line goes low. The DCE will resume
transmission when the line goes high. |
The need for flow control is easy to recognize when the CE_RXOVER error
occurs. This error indicates an overflow of the receive buffer and data loss. If
data arrives at the port faster than it is read, CE_RXOVER can occur. Increasing
the input buffer size may cause the error to occur less frequently, but it does
not completely solve the problem. Input flow control is necessary to completely
alleviate this problem. When the driver detects that the input buffer is nearly
full, it will lower the input flow-control lines. This should cause the DCE to
stop transmitting, which gives the DTE enough time to read the data from the
input buffer. When the input buffer has more room available, the voltage on
flow-control lines is set high, and the DCE resumes sending data.
A similar error is CE_OVERRUN. This error occurs when new data arrives before
the communications hardware and serial communications driver completely receives
old data. This can occur when the transmission speed is too high for the type of
communications hardware or CPU. This can also occur when the operating system is
not free to service the communications hardware. The only way to alleviate this
problem is to apply some combination of decreasing the transmission speed,
replacing the communications hardware, and increasing the CPU speed. Sometimes
third-party hardware drivers that are not very efficient with CPU resources
cause this error. Flow control cannot completely solve the problems that cause
the CE_OVERRUN error, although it may help to reduce the frequency of the
Software flow control
Software flow control uses data in the communications stream to control the
transmission and reception of data. Because software flow control uses two
special characters, XOFF and XON, binary transfers cannot use software flow
control; the XON or XOFF character may appear in the binary data and would
interfere with data transfer. Software flow control befits text-based
communications or data being transferred that does not contain the XON and XOFF
In order to enable software flow control, the fOutX and fInX
members of the DCB must be set to TRUE. The fOutX member controls output
flow control. The fInX member controls input flow control.
One thing to note is that the DCB allows the program to dynamically assign
the values the system recognizes as flow-control characters. The XoffChar
member of the DCB dictates the XOFF character for both input and output flow
control. The XonChar member of the DCB similarly dictates the XON
For input flow control, the XoffLim member of the DCB specifies the
minimum amount of free space allowed in the input buffer before the XOFF
character is sent. If the amount of free space in the input buffer drops below
this amount, then the XOFF character is sent. For input flow control, the
XonLim member of the DCB specifies the minimum number of bytes allowed in
the input buffer before the XON character is sent. If the amount of data in the
input buffer drops below this value, then the XON character is sent.
Table 4 lists the behavior of the DTE when using XOFF/XON flow control.
Table 4. Software flow-control behavior
Flow-control character |
Behavior |
XOFF received by DTE |
DTE transmission is suspended until XON is received.
DTE reception continues. The fOutX member of the DCB controls this
behavior. |
XON received by DTE |
If DTE transmission is suspended because of a
previous XOFF character being received, DTE transmission is resumed. The
fOutX member of the DCB controls this behavior. |
XOFF sent from DTE |
XOFF is automatically sent by the DTE when the
receive buffer approaches full. The actual limit is dictated by the
XoffLim member of the DCB. The fInX member of the DCB controls
this behavior. DTE transmission is controlled by the fTXContinueOnXoff
member of the DCB as described below. |
XON sent from the DTE |
XON is automatically sent by the DTE when the receive
buffer approaches empty. The actual limit is dictated by the XonLim
member of the DCB. The fInX member of the DCB controls this behavior.
If software flow control is enabled for input control, then the
fTXContinueOnXoff member of the DCB takes effect. The
fTXContinueOnXoff member controls whether transmission is suspended after
the XOFF character is automatically sent by the system. If
fTXContinueOnXoff is TRUE, then transmission continues after the XOFF is
sent when the receive buffer is full. If fTXContinueOnXoff is FALSE, then
transmission is suspended until the system automatically sends the XON
character. DCE devices using software flow control will suspend their sending
after the XOFF character is received. Some equipment will resume sending when
the XON character is sent by the DTE. on the other hand, some DCE devices will
resume sending after any character arrives. The fTXContinueOnXoff
member should be set to FALSE when communicating with a DCE device that resumes
sending after any character arrives. If the DTE continued transmission after it
automatically sent the XOFF, the resumption of transmission would cause the DCE
to continue sending, defeating the XOFF.
There is no mechanism available in the Win32 API to cause the DTE to behave
the same way as these devices. The DCB structure contains no members for
specifying suspended transmission to resume when any character is
received. The XON character is the only character that causes transmission to
One other interesting note about software flow control is that reception of
XON and XOFF characters causes pending read operations to complete with zero
bytes read. The XON and XOFF characters cannot be read by the application, since
they are not placed in the input buffer.
A lot of programs on the market, including the Terminal program that comes
with Windows, give the user three choices for flow control: Hardware, Software,
or None. The Windows operating system itself does not limit an application in
this way. The settings of the DCB allow for Software and Hardware flow
control simultaneously. In fact, it is possible to separately configure each
member of the DCB that affects flow control, which allows for several different
flow-control configurations. The limits placed on flow-control choices are there
for ease-of-use reasons to reduce confusion for end users. The limits placed on
flow-control choices may also be because devices used for communications may not
support all types of flow control.
Communications Time-outs
Another major topic affecting the behavior of read and write operations is
time-outs. Time-outs affect read and write operations in the following way. If
an operation takes longer than the computed time-out period, the operation is
completed. There is no error code that is returned by ReadFile,
WriteFile, GetOverlappedResult, or WaitForSingleObject. All
indicators used to monitor the operation indicate that it completed
successfully. The only way to tell that the operation timed out is that the
number of bytes actually transferred are fewer than the number of bytes
requested. So, if ReadFile returns TRUE, but fewer bytes were read than
were requested, the operation timed out. If an overlapped write operation times
out, the overlapped event handle is signaled and WaitForSingleObject
returns WAIT_OBJECT_O. GetOverlappedResult returns TRUE, but
dwBytesTransferred contains the number of bytes that were transferred before the
time-out. The following code demonstrates how to handle this in an overlapped
write operation:
BOOL WriteABuffer(char * lpBuf, DWORD dwToWrite)
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0};
DWORD dwWritten;
DWORD dwRes;
BOOL fRes;
// Create this write operation's OVERLAPPED structure hEvent.
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL)
// Error creating overlapped event handle.
return FALSE;
// Issue write
if (!WriteFile(hComm, lpBuf, dwToWrite, &dwWritten, &osWrite)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// WriteFile failed, but it isn't delayed. Report error.
fRes = FALSE;
// Write is pending.
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(osWrite.hEvent, INFINITE);
// Overlapped event has been signaled.
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osWrite, &dwWritten, FALSE))
fRes = FALSE;
else {
if (dwWritten != dwToWrite) {
// The write operation timed out. I now need to
// decide if I want to abort or retry. If I retry,
// I need to send only the bytes that weren't sent.
// If I want to abort, I would just set fRes to
// FALSE and return.
fRes = FALSE;
// Write operation completed successfully.
fRes = TRUE;
// An error has occurred in WaitForSingleObject. This usually
// indicates a problem with the overlapped event handle.
fRes = FALSE;
else {
// WriteFile completed immediately.
if (dwWritten != dwToWrite) {
// The write operation timed out. I now need to
// decide if I want to abort or retry. If I retry,
// I need to send only the bytes that weren't sent.
// If I want to abort, then I would just set fRes to
// FALSE and return.
fRes = FALSE;
fRes = TRUE;
return fRes;
The SetCommTimeouts function specifies the communications time-outs
for a port. To retrieve the current time-outs for a port, a program calls the
GetCommTimeouts function. An applications should retrieve the
communications time-outs before modifying them. This allows the application to
set time-outs back to their original settings when it finishes with the port.
Following is an example of setting new time-outs using
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 20;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 100;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 100;
if (!SetCommTimeouts(hComm, &timeouts))
// Error setting time-outs.
Note Once again,
communications time-outs are not the same as time-out values supplied in
synchronization functions. WaitForSingleObject, for instance, uses a
time-out value to wait for an object to become signaled; this is not the same as
a communications time-out.
Setting the members of the COMMTIMEOUTS structure to all zeros causes
no time-outs to occur. Nonoverlapped operations will block until all the
requested bytes are transferred. The ReadFile function is blocked until
all the requested characters arrive at the port. The WriteFile function
is blocked until all requested characters are sent out. on the other hand, an
overlapped operation will not finish until all the characters are transferred or
the operation is aborted. The following conditions occur until the operation is
- WaitForSingleObject always returns WAIT_TIMEOUT if a synchronization
time-out is supplied. WaitForSingleObject will block forever if an
INFINITE synchronization time-out is used.
- GetOverlappedResult always returns FALSE and GetLastError
returns ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE if called directly after the call to
Setting the members of the COMMTIMEOUTS structure in the following
manner causes read operations to complete immediately without waiting for any
new data to arrive:
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
if (!SetCommTimeouts(hComm, &timeouts))
// Error setting time-outs.
These settings are necessary when used with an event-based read described in
the "Caveat" section earlier. In order for ReadFile to return 0 bytes
read, the ReadIntervalTimeout member of the COMMTIMEOUTS structure
is set to MAXDWORD, and the ReadTimeoutMultiplier and
ReadTimeoutConstant are both set to zero.
An application must always specifically set communications time-outs
when it uses a communications port. The behavior of read and write operations is
affected by communications time-outs. When a port is initially open, it uses
default time-outs supplied by the driver or time-outs left over from a previous
communications application. If an application assumes that time-outs are set a
certain way, while the time-outs are actually different, then read and write
operations may never complete or may complete too often.
This article serves as a discussion of some of the common pitfalls and
questions that arise when developing a serial communications application. The
Multithreaded TTY sample that comes with this article is designed using many of
the techniques discussed here. Download it and try it out. Learning how it works
will provide a thorough understanding of the Win32 serial communications
Brain, Marshall. Win32 System Services: The Heart of Windows NT.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994.
Campbell, Joe. C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications. 2d ed.
Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Company, 1994.
Mirho, Charles, and Andy Terrice. "Create Communications Programs for Windows
95 with the Win32 Comm API." Microsoft Systems Journal 12 (December
1994). (MSDN Library, Books and Periodicals)